One of the artists that I love and admire is Ansel Adams. He was an American photographer that took black-and-white photographs of the American West. Most of the photographs are landscapes and beautifully made.
Moon and Half Dome, Yosemite National Park, 1960
This photograph taken in 1960 is one example of Adam's amazing landscape photographs. It is perfectly asymmetrical with the rock cliff on the right side and only a hint of one on the left side with the shadow. The details that he was able to capture in the cliff-side is amazing and was a great feat. There is a great amount of black, white and everything in between.
Even though there isn't any color in this photograph, you can imagine all the colors that it would be in person. It is simplified in it's design, but still very eye catching. The moon in the top left hand corner is a perfect addition to the sky and is clearly defined. The photograph is very beautiful and eye catching. This is just one example of the scenery he was able to capture in his photographs.
Roots, Foster Gardens, Honolulu- 1948
This photograph by Ansel Adams was different than most of this photographs because it is a close up of the roots of this beautiful tree instead of a landscape. I love his photographs of details of nature because he was able to capture so much detail in them. In this one you can see every aspect of the roots and the greenery around the roots. Adams used photography techniques like dodging to get the amount of details and lights and darks in his photographs. He used some of these techniques to accomplish this photograph.
This photograph you can only see the roots and not even the any of the trunk of the tree so all the emphasis is on the roots. The twining and swirling roots takes your eyes all the way around the photograph and not stay in one place. The composition was very well thought out so that it was interesting to look at for a long period of time. You can even see the water that is dripping off of the top of each root. The amount of variety of lights and darks and everything in between is truly amazing.
This photograph is from Yosemite National Park just like the first photograph that I have shown. It is a beautiful and a very well known photograph taken by Ansel Adams. The tree's trunk is at the left hand side, but has wind blown branches that extend all the way to the right side of the photograph pulling your eye in that direction. It is such an interesting subject to look at because of the odd shape of the tree.
The details are greatly defined in this photograph as well, just like all the other ones that he has taken. You can see the pine needles in the tree and the texture of the bark and rocks. Their is also a large variety of lights and darks that are clearly defined as well. The mountains in the background is also outlined perfectly by the lower branch of the tree. It draws your eye down from the tree to the mountains in the background to the rocks in the foreground. This is one of my favorite photographs that Ansel Adams took and I aspire to take photographs like him.
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